For training your dog, the average stay is based on two factors:
1. The ability of the dog to comprehend the training method.
2. The extent of the customers training goals ie; fully finished for retrievers, Upland or specific obedience or behavioral issues.
A fully trained retriever generally involves an average two months; the same for Upland training.
However, we work with our customers to establish required training goals and consider the customers's ability to commit time and money. So we can partially train a dog for a few weeks and have you continue the methods at home, and have the dog return for further training as required.
Two individual twenty minute training sessions a day for 5 days.
Several socializing and playground visits per day with the other dogs, based on weather.
Each training session is videoed and sent to the customer. This shows the progress and how your particular dog learns.
Feeding based on the customer's instructions
We welcome weekend visits to see in person how your dog is progressing and learning.
$490 per week including boarding, training and feeding ( we feed and recommend Purina Pro Plan Sport).
Limit of 4 dogs in training per month to ensure adequate individual training time.
Extras are a $25 one time charge for the gentle-leader plus a nominal charge for purchased birds for the gun training.

All dogs are let out in the morning prior to feeding.
Each kennel is then cleaned and water & food is distributed to each dog per their owners instruction.
If a dog requires medication we administer it at this time.
The boarding dogs are then let out periodically during the day based on the weather. We keep the small dogs with small dogs. Larger dogs are let out separately.
All dogs MUST be social or we don’t allow them at our facility.
For the dogs in training we begin the day in the same way, followed by their lessons. The training schedule is based on the discipline I am training.
For obedience training of the dogs, we typically start in the large fenced-in yard. We begin & end each training session with a game of fetch and retrieve. This assists me in bonding with the dog and helps the dog to focus. The dog is also learning to have fun and transfers to being a “ Happy Dog” during and after training.
Each training session last about 20 minutes and I use the Gentle Leader exclusively in teaching obedience. I teach 3- commands; HERE, HEEL and SIT. The WHOA command is also taught to pointing dogs.
If the owner has requested additional verbal commands, they will be incorporated at this time. For example, in conjunction with the verbal commands, I can introduce CHAIN visual ( hand signal commands); for field training dogs “Upland & Retrievers”, I will chain the necessary whistle commands.
For dogs being field trained, the dogs will spend time both individually and as a group in the field learning to seek out birds, getting used to the gun noise and retrieval of the birds. These steps are done in sequence as per when the dog is deemed ready. See video below for example of retrieval training.
Down time for the dogs is spent in their individual runs and we play music inside the Kennel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the business located?We are located in Northern Indianan at 52711 County Road 11 Elkhart, Indiana 46514. Just north of Elkhart 1.5 from I-80/90 interchange. Approx 110 miles east of Chicago. 120 miles west of Toledo and 150 miles north of Indianapolis. Our customers primarily come from current customer word of mouth referrals and professional vet referrals. We look forward to talking with you.
What are your facilities like?Windsong Kennel was built in 2006 and has 9 indoor runs each with automatic water. Each run has a sleeping area with Kuranda bed, and water and area of 4’ wide X 8’ long. All facilities are both heated and air conditioned. The dogs are let out during the day to a large fenced in playground area with toys. For training, a 60 acre field is a convenient 5 minute drive from the Kennel. The field has been especially groomed for Upland training and a small pond for Retriever training.
Why should customers choose Windsong?I train happy dogs! I live by the motto that I produce dogs that WANT TO, not HAVE TO! A dog that learns from a set program of pain & compliance is only obeying the command out of authority or the consequence of being reprimanded. There is a big difference.
What is the average length of stay for dogs?For training the average stay is based on two factors: 1. The ability of the dog to comprehend the training method and 2. The extent of the customers training goals ie; fully finished for retrievers, Upland or specific obedience or behavioral issues. A fully trained retriever generally involves an average two month stay, and the same applies for Upland training. I give a FREE assessment and quote to each customer, based on the customers goals for the dog and financial ability. A Boarding stay averages 3 to 10 days, and long term stays (more than 3- weeks) are discounted.
How long does the most effective training take?The length of training is entirely dependent on the customer's goals for their dogs. Once the owner sees and understands my training standards, I ask if they wish to add or subtract any of the commands we discussed. This process has eliminated the problem of the owner NOT getting what they asked for. When I believe the dog has completed the initially requested goals reliably, I contact the owner asking that they attend a training session, for their own assessment. I ask the owner directly, if this is satisfactory to their needs. If not, I offer further training at NO additional cost. That is how I can offer a guarantee with my training; I want the owner satisfied with the results they have paid for.
How do you provide customers with peace of mind?Prior to any boarding or training stay, the customer is offered a tour and a free day of daycare for their companion. This allows the owner the opportunity to see where and how their pet will be cared for. We have found that this offer of free daycare can calm any worry a customer may have, but importantly helps us to assess the customer’s pet. I also limit my training to 4 dogs per month, which assures owners that I am devoting the needed time and attention to their dog in order to learn properly. Additionally, for the dogs in training, I video each training session and send it to the customer. This keeps the customer informed on their dogs progress and the ability to see how their dog learns.
What makes our services unique?Most importantly, we limit the amount of dogs being trained at one time to ensure the level of dedication and the attention that you expect for your pet, which in turn delivers efficient results their training needs.
Can owners visit?I not only encourage, but request owners to visit as much as possible. I also encourage them to attend training sessions when possible, giving them the opportunity to learn how to train their dogs. I inform all my customers I have no secrets and that they are welcome to attend and learn. I explain and show my method of training up front. We all learned in school the Pavlovian Theory and that is how I train dogs. Pavlov conditioned a dog to receive a treat with a certain behavior. I elicit the behavior I want; I reward that behavior; the repetition then becomes conditioned behavior. I do not use food rewards, only petting as the reward.
Are there any additional expenses required outside of base pricing?I do charge $25.00 for the Gentle Leader that I utilize for obedience training and learning the whoa and heel commands. It will belong to you to take home with you. Here's what it looks like: Currently the only extra nominal cost is for the birds that I need to purchase for the upland & retriever training.
I live locally. Can I do training without boarding?We selectively do offer one-on-one training on an hourly basis at $75 per hour. We strongly recommend that you do several sessions to learn, reinforce and continue the development of your dog's training.
Do you work with anybody?I do not have any partners. I will from time from time utilize a friend who understands my training methods, to assist with certain field training.
What is the best contact information for Windsong?Phone number for training: 574-971-6358 Phone number for boarding. 574-206-1313 Email: john@windsongkennels.com